Senin, 18 Juli 2016

What dog think of us

Have we ever know what dogs think of us, Well this is exactly what happened

You see yourself as, and Your dog sees you as

As humans, it’s in our very nature to be highly self-critical and boy, can our inner monologue go nuts

Honestly, who here hasn’t felt like they weren’t good enough, or pretty enough, or successful enough

But what if you saw yourself the way your non-judging, unconditional loving dog sees you

No matter what we do, who we are, and how we act, one thing is guaranteed: Dogs will always see us as the best person on earth

So it’s high time we saw ourselves through their kind eyes

Well Illustrator Kelly Angel has and she’s drawn the pictures to prove it

The pictures on the top, not just mere joke, But it a lesson for us, Something that we think is bad, may not be bad in the opinion of others

Copyright images, barkpost com

Source, barkpost com